Sun Room Thai Massage Thai Massage Maloca Thai Massage

The History of Thai Massage

Thai Massage originated in ancient India as bodywork based on the science of Yoga and study of Life Energy (Prana or Chi).  It came to Thailand 2,000 years ago, and became part of traditional Thai physical therapy and medicine practices.

To this day, people in Thailand visit “Massage Doctors” who use natural methods to assist the body to heal from within.

Thai Massage is now recognized internationally as an effective treatment of stress-related conditions. All over the world people of all ages and lifestyles are discovering joy of Thai Massage for good health, well being & enhanced performance.

Thai Massage is good preventative health care for everyone!

Thai Massage in Practice

Oriental Science has long seen the human body as an energy system that is maintained by balancing itself with the Life Energy of the universe.

Life Energy circulates in the body through channels called “Energy Lines”, similar to the meridians identified by acupuncture.

The aim of Thai Massage is to harmonize mind and body with the flow of Life Energy through the Energy Lines. When “in tune” with Life Force, we experience our natural vitality.

Thai massage works the Energy Lines in a number of ways:

  • Tapping and brushing
  • AcupressRhythmic massage
  • Compassionate presence of the practitioner
  • Pleasant stretching
  • Movement of joints